This Examination was held on 17th July 2021 successfully across the Gujarat State . If you are here for the GSSSB ATDO Result 2021 Date , then this is right article . The Gujarat Secondary Service Selection board (GSSSB) had conducted the GSSSB ATDO Written Examination in July month . After the successful exam All the candidates are searching for results on the web . The GSSSB has announced the Assistant Tribal Development Officer Merit List Result 2021 with Cut off Marks Online . Now all the candidates can Check their GSSSB ATDO Result 2021 name wise and Roll no. wise through pdf file .
Organization Name: GSSSB
Advt.No : 181/201920
Exam name – Assistant Tribal Development Officer
Exam Date : 17-07-2021
The Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board has made an important announcement regarding the competitive written test of the first phase MCQ-QMR system for ‘Assistant Tribal Development Officer’ Class-3 in the state. The government is now preparing for the declining corona cases.
મદદનીશ આદિજાતી વિકાસ અધિકારી
તારીખ 03-11-2021 બપોર પછી કોલ લેટર ડાઉનલોડ થાશે - કોમ્પ્યુટર ટેસ્ટ 16-11-2021 ના રોજ લેવાશેExam dates have also been announced today. Apart from this, the board repeater examinations of standard
10-12 have started. In Gujarat, job examinations were also put on hold since the Coronation period. Now these exams are being resumed