Duties of Gujarat Secondary Service Sandagi MandalઃVacancies to be filled by direct recruitment of non-secretariat cadre of class-II, filling of vacancies of non-technical and technical cadres of class-II of heads of departments / departments under the state government, self. To provide compassionate employment to the dependents of the employees, to conduct departmental examinations of all the cadres of class-3 of all the departments / heads of departments under the State Government, etc.
ગૌણ સેવા પસંદગી મંડળ જાહેરાત
ડાઉનલોડ લેટર PDF
The Board was entrusted with the task of filling up the vacancies by conducting competitive examination / oral examination through direct recruitment of Class-III cadres of non-secretariat service under the State Government. Work to fill the vacancies of Class-III Tantric cadres in the Heads of Departments / Departments under the State Government from time to time. The Board has also been entrusted with the task of taking a compassionate job to a single member of the dependent family of the employees and conducting departmental examinations of all the categories of Class-II in the departments / accounts under the State Government.