Film actor and writer Kadarkhan, who lives in Canada with his son Sarfaraz Khan, has just died. He was hospitalized for more than four months. With the passing of Kadarkhan, the people of the film industry showered a tribute rain on social media. Amitabh Bachchan wrote a nice post. Govinda even wrote that Kadarkhan was like my father. After reading and listening to all such stories, the son of Kadarkhan said that no one had sent a phone call to congratulate him. Neither Amitabh, nor Govinda nor anyone else. No one even knew what condition Kadarkhan was in? Well, no regrets. My father Kadarkhan used to say, Bollywood has forgotten me. It is the world that everyone forgets. He also said that he did not expect anything from anyone. He also did not expect that anyone would remember him, he saw the world closely and he knew what that world was like!
Thus, this is not new for Bollywood or the show business world. This is what has happened to many artists. A Bollywood front man said that now, even when Stars write about someone on social media, their donation is a must! Lastly, it is the number of likes, how many comments, and how many followers have increased. The measure of popularity is now measuring the number of folders. Radio RJs and others are given the promotion of social media based on their target of increasing followers. Although some people do not like them, they have to commit genocide. Everyone in this world knows how selfish their relationships are! The pain is that everything has now reached the general public. We too are beginning to feel satisfied by writing on social media.
Now Parth Prajapati, a young poet from Ahmedabad, has died. Parth committed suicide. There was no job, no income, so he was frustrated. A lot has been written about it in social media. His poems again. His frustration with Perth's composition was blurred. Not a friend or friend guessed it? Many people on social media paid tribute to him in nice words. How many people went to their home to condole with their younger sister, who had died of her mother, father and brother's death? Very few! Talking to Parth's father Prahladbhai, he said that I do not know who wrote what. Tejasbhai Prajapati, who created Parth, said, "Someone told me that many have written about Parth. However, we do not know if these people are not my Facebook friends. How can it be said that the families of those who do not know about it?
There is no denying that he wrote on social media. The question is, should we go to the person who has lost a son or write condolences on social media? How much do we touch the senses of those we write about? Such events also need to be viewed a bit differently. No matter what you do on social media, keep your relationship with people close to you. The last one will be with you. Sometimes we take our people for adoption. How live are people living on social media with their own people? One celebrity said lightly about people taking selfies with her, "When I go away, these people will upload pictures with me, no one goes to my house to rave!" It is now necessary to distinguish between real and virtual relationships.