Friday, February 18, 2022

ગુજરાત રોજગાર સમાચાર | 16-2-2022

Employment News is the flagship weekly employment magazine of the Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting, Government of India. It was started in 1976 with the objective of providing information about employment opportunities to the unemployed and underemployed youth of the country. Rozgar Patrika is published in English, Hindi (Rozgar Samachar) and Urdu (Rozgar Samachar) and has a circulation of around 3 lakhs every week. Rozgar Patrika  Ministries/Departments/Offices/Organizations/Autonomous.Institutions/Societies/Public Sector Undertakings of Central Government, State Government and Union Territory Administrations 

Nationalized Banks / Railway Recruitment Boards / UTs / UTs / Constitutional and Statutory Institutions and (c) Provides information regarding employment vacancies, job oriented training programmes, admission information related to job oriented examinations and results of recruitment examinations in respect of Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Central/State Governments recognized by UGC/AICTE. Apart from this, Employment News also provides editorial material and employment advice on socio-economic issues 

which helps the youth to broaden their horizons. Rozgar Patrika serves as a guide to the youth, especially those in rural areas, by helping them to gain an understanding of the job market and the vast employment opportunities that otherwise go unreported. The weekly magazine educates gujarat rojgar samachar ank download PDF. young people on how to make informed decisions about their careers. It is pertinent to mention that Employment News / Rozgar Samachar apart from fulfilling its social responsibility for which this magazine was started, is earning substantial profit on regular basis. The magazine is available every Saturday in every nook and corner of the country. 

રોજગાર સમાચાર અંક 

The Employment News office is headed by a General Manager-cum-Editor in Chief and is located in New Delhi.Nationalized Banks / Railway Recruitment Boards / UTs / UTs / Constitutional and Statutory Institutions and (c) Provides information regarding employment vacancies, job oriented training programmes, admission information related to job oriented examinations and results of recruitment examinations in respect of Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Central/State Governments recognized by UGC/AICTE. Apart from this, Employment News also provides editorial material and employment advice on socio-economic issues 

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