Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board recently conducted a written examinationof the non-secretarial clerk, office assistant. The computer test was then conducted from January 3 to 12. There is talk of the paper being taken out of the 4th exam, and social media is showing candidates who are turning up in WhatsApp. While the Secretariat of the Secondary Service Board has shown that the paper is wrong and the candidates have been distracted.
Candidates appearing for the exam appearing on the 4th of January exam papers are being discussed. One candidate said that the 4 th paper is being rerouted on social media and the exam questions I gave were similar. It is also demanded that the system should be investigated in this regard.One of the acts is to divert the attention of the candidates Talking to Pd Pulsana, the secretary of the congregation, about the issue of paper bursting, he said that talking about the paper was totally false. Many false messages are circulated by people on social media. You may have done so. The act may have been intended to distract the attention of the candidates.Bin sachivalay Exam 2019 Paper Download |
The server down timer was also turned off
Secretary D Palasana said that the timer was shut down if the server was down during the exam. When turned on, the lead time was calculated. There was no malpractice in the examination, the secretary said.Chief Coordinator and Additional Collector Modi, Co-ordinators Chetnis Gokani and Nay Co, to arrange for the examination to be conducted peacefully at different centers in the city. A committee of ordinator diameter was formed and the written examination was conducted peacefully from 12 to 3 pm on Sunday afternoon.
Question Paper Link
After you upload anything on social media, you're tempted to see how many likes you get? Who made the comments? What comments? Yes, such temptation must happen. This is also very natural. Many people are constantly watching, how much does the likelihood increase? Do you get upset if you got 200 likes in the previous post and 125 likes the last post? What do you think of when liking someone else's post?