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In the competitive exam you are going to take, there will be many subjects, there will be many subjects and out of all those subjects, there will be some topics which you will not like, but still you will have to study that subject. Whatever subject you do not like, you should give a little more time on that subject. So that you can prepare well in that subject too.
See any competitive exam paper, there are questions about math, reasoning, general aptitude, general knowledge, G.K, current affairs, English and history. Whether you prepare for ssc, ips, upsc, bank any competitive exam, you will have to read all these topics in it. In today's article, I am going to share some information about how to prepare these topics in a good way. Tips for exam preparation in hindi.
Before this you should know what is reasoning and why reasoning questions are asked in every competitive exam? Reasoning questions are asked so that they can test your intelligence and to find out how soon you can think and how long you can answer any question. You have to use intelligence to solve the questions of reasoning. It is easy to answer such a question, but sometimes such questions are also asked whose answer becomes a bit difficult to find out.
In Reasoning questions, you are asked questions like age related questions, coding-decoding, sitting arrangement and Venn diagram. You have to solve it according to your intelligence. You can adopt any logic to solve that question. To prepare for Reasoning, you should practice to solve as many Reasoning questions as possible. The more you practice, the more you will benefit and now is the age of internet, you will find many such reasoning related questions on the internet and you are also told how to solve them.