Monday, January 11, 2021

SPArSH Training Module 8 to 11

The loyalty plan is a national mission to improve learning outcomes at the initial level. 

primary level of "Nishtha Program" will include all teachers and school heads of all government schools. The training of teachers in NISHTHA integrated training program will focus mainly on children's intellectual development rather than books. In this program, teachers will be motivated and equipped to encourage and promote critical thinking in children. Students will then be able to handle a variety of situations and the teacher will be able to act as a first level counselor.

This initiative of training of teachers under this scheme will strengthen school education. Similar efforts will be made further. He also said that India is already given the title of World Guru. You will try these things that children do not go to other countries for education. Also the quality of teachers should be much better with this training. Along with this, there should be improvements in the direction of achieving the target of learning outcome.

The following hings are included in this free training program given to teachers:

  • Merit-based education and testing
  • Steps to be taken to keep the school safe
  • Raising personal social qualities
  • Use of artificial intelligence in education
  • "Yoga" to focus and keep the body healthy
  • More information about library, eco-club, youth club, kitchen garden etc.
  • Qualities to lead in school in every kind of situation
  • Environmental information
  • Pre-school, pre-vocational education

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