- Man has a permanent relationship with man. We sometimes feel lonely. Looks like you don't want to talk to anyone right now. No man can be alone forever. Some people cannot live alone in their own home. Some people are 'human'. There is also an appetite in the vicinity. There is also a thirst for sensation. Such a person is thirsty when he is not at home. Thirst is not just for the throat, but also for the heart. There is also a thirst for boasting.
- The thirst is quenched when there is no one who is proud. Even solitude is sometimes created with one's own person. The starless solitude turns into loneliness. Only when you are there do I feel that I am with me.
- Lack of stars creates emptiness. Even the peace seems like a chore. Nothing bothers, nothing bothers, nothing bothers. Everything seems to be moving. Your presence makes the whole house feel decadent. After the water has dried, the ground is shaken. Something similar happens after you leave. Swimming turns into a flurry.
- It feels like stepping into my heaven when I set foot in the house. This paradise of two or three rooms is ours. Outside the door, I wipe out all the turmoil. I am careful not to let the sadness enter. The walls of our house are alive. Even with our laughter, the walls are dead. A light shines on the walls. Sometimes you get scared, you just can't get the look of a coke somewhere! The fear of happiness also has to be shaken. As it happens, this fear is not even shaken at home!
- Every corner of my house is sacred. I do not want to overstate it with fear, fear, sadness, resentment, anger, quarrels, or Abola. I want everything clean. Clean as your heart, pure as our mind and clean as our very existence!
- Home is not just cleaning clothes. Holiness is created by love. Even in most clean houses, santos are used. There is a difference between silence and silence in peace and quiet. It is not silent that nothing can be said or that the mind can speak. Even if there is something to be said, it is the compassion of the relationship that the mind does not want to say. Some homes are bound by rules. When clogged it quickly becomes stiff. The rules are in prison, not in the home. When rules are imposed, the house also becomes more like a prison.
- A person who does not feel liberated in his home can never feel the freedom. A girl was always laughing and playing. Have fun forever. His sister once asked, How can you be so free? The girl said, "There is a sky in my house. Where I get to fly. I am allowed to live my way. Looks like there is no sky. The lack of sky creates a vacuum. Only if the sky is clear. Do you have a sky in your house? Many homes have sky, but are not allowed to fly. If the sky is wide, then it doesn't matter!
Want to change anything? Start with yourself. Nothing is going to change until we change.
Monday, January 13, 2020
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