Friday, August 16, 2019

TAT Secondary result 2019 Analysis

The dissatisfaction with the recruitment of Tat-2 pass candidates in the vacant posts of teachers in primary schools has been widespread.According to information available in this regard, 3 thousand students were passed in the TAT-2 examination conducted by the education department of the government against which three thousand were recruited. At present, the students who pass 3,000 Tat-1 are lacking. In addition, 8,000 teachers are vacant, however, instead of hiring TAT-2 pass, the government is feeling the injustice of doing TAT-2 pass candidates by recruiting graduate as touring teachers. Which was recently introduced to the Director of Primary Education by the educated unemployed. Regarding this presentation, the Director of Primary Education has been encouraged to recruit teachers after Diwali. Herdev Walla, leader of the delegation fighting for Tat-1 candidates, said.
The recruitment of teachers from the state's primary school standard 1 to 2 may be announced soon, but the state's pass pass candidates who are recruited at the same stage and maximum number of seats were introduced in the education department. There are about 5000 teachers vacancies in standard I to VII. Therefore, even if only 5% of the vacant seats are recruited, the unemployment of many TAT pass candidates will be eliminated. If fewer seats are to be recruited, the older candidates will be allowed to wash their jobs after passing the TAT exam, sources say.

The Tat-2 exam was conducted in August last year. The examination was attended by 5,3,2 candidates out of which 5.7% passed.It is important to recruit immediately after taking the exam, but this time, after a long period of one year, the recruitment plan has begun and the announcement may be issued within a few days. But the debate over the fact that very few of the vacant seats are being recruited has caught on
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