Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Current affairs 11 to 17 August | Current affairs PDF

In all the competitive examinations conducted by the Government, questions regarding current trends are required. A useful pdf file of these questions has been placed here. Which will be useful to all. There are many tides currently underway. Many tides are coming. Under these circumstances this file will work for everyone. 
Sarva Shakti Abhiyan is the National President's Program of the Government of India, which aims to provide useful and relevant elementary education to all children between the ages of 6 and 14 and to reduce the social, Current affairs regional and gender gaps. Specifies the importance. As per the goal of the Constitution Act, 1992 (Prov Thirteen and fourteenth amendment).
The recommendations of the National Education Policy (NPE) and the Committee on Decentralized Management of Education, the establishment of the Rural Education Committee (VEC) and the re-energizing communication were under DPEP. The process Current affairs was reinforced under SSA because the funding for the program flows from community-based elements to all school-related expenses, which in fact constitutes more than 50% of the SSA's funds. Most states / UTs all have access to VEC / PTA / SDMC / MTA under SSA. / SMC / VEDC etc.

However, the definition for community level structures varies from state to state, including size, duration of retention, and type. In particular issues such as community-based inspections such as notes, detention, female child education and other nonprofit groups, the use of various approvals and formats is important. Current affairs And helps achieve the objectives of the program. This community-level structure is important in micro-planning. Plays a part, especially in the development of village / ward education plans and school improvement plans. Annual action plans and budgets are prepared through the participatory planning process through these communities under SSA and they take into account local needs and specifications. Capacity Current affairs building of community level institutions

Provides SSA for training / capacity building to members of village education committees, school management committees, elder teacher unions, etc. Apart from the four persons in the village, standards are provided for training for two days Current affairs per school year - primarily for women Rs. At a rate of 30 per person per day.VEC / SMC etc and the community are mostly sensitive and focused on their role and functions in the light of various SSA interventions such as caste, civic affairs, management processes, inclusive education, etc.
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